“My gout definitely felt better after our last session.”

– R.B., artist/musician

Q. Will Polarity or Craniosacral cure me?

A. Polarity is not strictly a “cure” for anything. It works with the principle that when a person’s system is out of balance, non-invasive support and assistance can restore a person to a more natural, healthy state. Craniosacral works with a similar principle, though it works more directly with the dural membrane rhythm (the tube surrounding the brain and spinal chord) and cranial bones adjustments. Remarkable effects can be had, but only if a client’s system is ready and able to handle the adjustments.

Q. What will a Polarity session be like?

A. The client stays dressed for the session. At the start, client and practitioner together explore and identify the main focus of the session. The client may then get on the massage table and receive hands-on work such as craniosacral balancing mixed with structural and chakra balancing. Touch varies from off the body, very light, to deep. Occasionally a client continue her/his session sitting and talking, with the practitioner helping focus awareness of connections between mind, body and spirit.

Q. How is Craniosacral session different?

A. Like Polarity, the client stays dressed. Generally, the touch is lighter and more focused on freeing the cranial rhythm through “following the rhythm”. To do this the practitioner often sits with one area and encourages and supports the area to move in subtle ways that it seems to be wanting to do. There can be emotional releases as well, that almost seem to happen on such a level that it just feels like a deep sigh. Most clients find that they experience a deep restfulness and go into, what I call, “cranial trance”, a state of integration almost like sleep.

Q. How does Polarity differ from massage, Reflexology, other bodywork systems and standard counseling?

A. Though the practice of Polarity uses the tools of compassionate touch and talk, its focus is on the energy behind those things. And, because it is the nature of energy to move, a skilled practitioner can help clients become aware of their energy on a new level, helping them make connections between their body, mind and emotions. This often leads to finding inner resources and feeling a deeper sense of well being.

Q. What kind of training do Polarity practitioners get?

A. Studies primarily focus on working with various energy system maps developed by both Polarity’s founder, Dr. Randolph Stone, and by his students. Registered Polarity practitioners also study anatomy, craniosacral work, Reflexology, structural body balancing techniques and numerous touch and stretch techniques. Studies also include counseling skills and understanding psychological patterns. RPP’s are eligible to register with the American Polarity Therapy Association.

Q. And cranial practitioners?

A. There are several schools of craniosacral work at this time. They all trace back to William Sutherland, an osteopath who experimented on the effects of restriction of cranial bone movement, by binding his own and having his wife follow him around, recording the effects. Since Polarity’s founder was an osteopath, advanced Polarity teaches cranial The Upledger Institute is a well known school that has a series of classes in cranial. There is the Franklin Sills proponents, which is often close to what is taught in polarity schools.

Q. How can I decide whether to have a Polarity session or a craniosacral session?

A. If your issue feels very emotional and you need to talk, Polarity it is. If you feel like your overall energy is low, Polarity is good as well. If you have lung problems or intestinal issues, I also recommend Polarity. Structural issues, such as a shorter leg, or back pain do well with both therapies. In studies at Michigan State University, CranioSacral therapy has been shown to be effective for treating head and spinal cord injuries, ADD, hyperactivity, back problems and even autism. It is wonderful for headaches, sinus problems, for a general calming of the nervous system. Treatments sometimes can combine both therapies very successfully.